1. News -

    Find out about the Local Offer in Middlesbrough, and how it can support young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
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    We established links with two different community groups that engage with parents and carers of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) children and young people, and invited them to attend focus groups.
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    A new Autism Core Capabilities Framework is being developed to provide workforce training programmes aimed at improving the lives of children, young people and adults with autism.
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    The following report has been shared at the South Tees Health and Wellbeing Executive and Live Well Board. We have produced a second version taking into account feedback from relevant members which have been highlighted in pink throughout the report.
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    We were asked by an integrated care partnership to host a focus group with adults with learning disabilities in Middlesbrough. We wanted to find out the most important things that contribute to their overall wellbeing.
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    The Children's Autism Pathway is to be replaced from 1 April 2021. The new pathway is for children and young people aged 5-18 years old across South Tees.
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    The Healthwatch Board and Community Champions come together for collaborative meeting.
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    Recently we visited Community Champion Karen Winspear, a Director of Senses Wellbeing Centre in Skelton.
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    Tees Valley Buddies is a neuro diverse self-advocacy and peer support charity ran by Neurodiverse people for Neurodiverse people!
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    In the first of our Community Champion Vlogs, Vicky Jackson our Volunteer and Engagement Officer speaks to Thomas Henley.
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    We had a record amount of nominations this year. See below for a brief description of each nomination #HWSTSTARS23
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    Tees Valley Buddies are passionate about building a neurodivergent community to allow for Autistic, ADHD and other neurodivergent people across tees valley to be able to have a sense of belonging and authentically be themselves.
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    We had a record amount of nominations this year. See below for details of each nomination #HWSTSTARS
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    Lorna is the Active Forests Coordinator for Guisborough Forest which is one of four Forestry England sites across the UK that are leading green social prescribing projects.
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    Tees Local Pharmaceutical Committee
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    The Government has confirmed that NHS prescription charges will go up next month.
    Last April, the charges were frozen at 2021 levels.
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    Top tips for accessing your GP practice.
    We have worked in collaboration with a range of professionals to gather information in response to questions and issues raised by local people. We present the most common questions and answers in this document.
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    We held our Blood, Sweats and Tears event on World Menopause Day 18 October 2023 at the Riverside Stadium, Middlesbrough.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch, aims to help address health inequalities across England.
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    What is a Community Pharmacy and what services do they offer?
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    Celebrating those who have gone above and beyond in health and social care! See below for all those nominated, shortlisted and winners from each category.
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    Five people and groups have been shortlisted for a national award that celebrates local people who, through their dedication, have helped improve health and care for their community.
  23. Report -

    We visited Aapna Services in Middlesbrough on Monday 26 February 2018 to speak to a ladies group who currently meet three times a week.
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    Engagement carried out by Healthwatch Middlesbrough during autumn of 2013 indicated that there was a lack of awareness and understanding of what services are available to support people with weight management, particularly within the BAME community.
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    We held a focus group to discuss the NHS Long Term Plan at Aapna Services, a registered charity working closely with people from ethnic minority backgrounds who are socially excluded on the grounds of their ethnicity, religion, belief or creed.
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    This focus group was held at Newport Hub with members of the Regional Refugee Forum’s Health Working Group. All members of the group were either going or had been through the asylum seeker application process.
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    We were asked by the Integrated Care System to hold conversations with people across the North East and North Cumbria around the themes of health and wellbeing. We spoke to twelve women from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities.
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    The government is currently running a consultation to seek views on a proposal to give employees with caring responsibilities one week of unpaid leave each year.
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    Previously known as My Right to Healthcare, GP Access cards allow people who aren't registered with a GP practice, have no fixed address or identification to communicate their right to healthcare.