Terry Bytheway - Chairman, Teesside Prostate Cancer Support Group

Helping those diagnosed with Prostate Cancer within South Tees.
Terry Bytheway - Chairman, Teesside Prostate Cancer Support Group

Why did you decide to become a Community Champion?

I want my positivity and awareness raising to rub off on other people - and I can do that easier as a Community Champion. I know how important self worth is, especially after being diagnosed with prostate cancer, but It never gets me down...  my glass is always half full.  

Helping to give others that attitude in different community settings across South Tees is vital.  

How does your role help people in South Tees? 

As the Chair of the local Prostate Cancer Support Group, I'm responsible for making local people aware and giving them the advice they need to cope with personal issues.  

I'm a firm believer in the saying 'you get out of it what you put in' , and that's certainly my attitude towards helping the local community. 

Find out more about my work...